The Violinist 🎻


》Antonio Pierre, (He/They)
》The Violinist
》43 yrs, (Oct 27)
》Aroflux, Demisexual

Diary Logs.

A log of unfinished scores and scratched notes in faded ink that seem hardly legible...Try to read anyway?

trivia +

Count the strings of the bow, but tell no one the number.

About the Violinist.

ï½¢ Personality ï½£
Charismatic. Mischievous. Aloof.
Cautious. Reserved. Grandiose Delusions.
ï½¢ Backstory ï½£
How long has it been since he's reflected on a past he'd rather forget? How much of it changed, or got burnt out of his memory just to be able live with himself for one more day?
When the curtain rises, and the light cascades over the performance of story and song, mayhaps sense will be made of the puppet's purpose beyond its strings of fate.Being born with physical disabilities, and easily vulnerable to sickness, the chances of him surviving beyond his fifth winter was slim. Though with as many doubts as there were, he not only survived, but he flourished - when performing for his more distant relatives for the first time, it was as if he had never been disabled at all.Sure, he overdid it, but the risk was worth the reward; they'd never know the aftermath. Having to lie down for several hours, struggling to sleep, muscles tense and difficult to move, repeating parts of the night in his mind, where he messed up a note or two, or someone said one thing or another to him that had him overthinking.But it's fine, isn't it? A few more years, and he'd be playing on street corners for the public to bring some extra money back home, and a few more years after that, he's shared more than a kiss with more than one person.Antonio Pierre was only ever meant to be just a stage name.He hadn't meant to hurt anyone.It was too late to mend anything - once his family became estranged, there was nothing he could do to explain himself to them.So, he buried himself entirely into his craft, and those who listened. He convinced himself that his vices weren't so bad, that he could handle it.He couldn't though, of course. If he could, then he would have been better off. Never would he have stepped foot in those woods, and find himself a Hunter in the Oletus Manor and its game of Life and Death.But the story isn't there yet.Debt brought him crumbling down, and at the whim of not one, but two families.One of royalty, well-renowned and respected.The other more of a spider's web, and Antonio the victim caught in its strings.The heir of the web and the princess were arranged to be married within some few years; a future loveless marriage, much to the chagrin of Her Royal Highness. How often she dreamed of that boy with the violin on the street corner would come to whisk her away, her fevered passion increasing upon learning he'd be living with them for some time.He was sentenced to serve the Royal Family to repay his debts, which seemed too easy at the beginning. It was over time that comments made by occasional party guests, or visitors that he began to realize just how much of his life was being wasted away playing violin for pompous pricks who cared little about his health and well-being.When his symptoms made him ache too much to play, and he'd lie on the floor like crumpled paper - unable to call for help, just waiting for sleep to take him, and hopefully never have to wake again.Nothing hit quite as hard, though, as receiving a guest of no repute; most were royalty, or related to royalty. No, this was someone - a boy barely of age with a mild resemblance in complexion - from his family with a message and a gift.The letter had been written years ago by his mother, asking him to come back home; apparently, she couldn't bring herself to send it, and it was found in a box of keepsakes she kept. Apparently, she had died a little over a year prior, according to the boy.The gift was the family heirloom Violin, meant to be passed on to the next generation.It was enough to remind him of the life he was missing out on.Enough to muster enough courage to start contesting for freedom.How many more years passed? How many times did he try to bargain, and failed? How close was he to the edge before the fall?And... If the peak is the end of the road, who's playing the world's melody on the way down?

Match Style.

Regardless of terrain, the Violinist follows the trails left behind by Survivors with smooth, swift ease. Rather than relying on the fear of his victims to hone his skills, he's taken to multi-tasking during matches. If you chase one, you shall surely find another.If you down one, it certainly would work well as a lure to bait another in and take the chance to save another. Ever the one to avoid leaving survivors to bleed out, of course, it doesn't mean he won't let them sit for a moment's respite; what sort of performer would he be without his audience after all?Should you find yourself bleeding out in a match where he hunts, do take care; while he may see relatively well enough, he does feel rather heavy weight of guilt when he loses track of a Survivor who's bleeding out. It does make him a touch easier to emotionally manipulate though.

Diary entries.

An open book.. Or is it?
Ink bleeds through the pages as words appear before you, but even with important parts documented, there is so much more left unwritten.

Prodigy. I grew up with musical talent, yet it never made me happy.A young man's medical report: malnourished, catalepsy...stressed out...neurasthenia...scarlet fever...pneumonia...spasticity...
Seductive Tune. How much of the joy that was missing be reclaimed with this talent?A music score stashed under the windowsill: "I want you to know I had a wonderful night. This is something to remember me by."
Gambling Debt. How much is a musician's dignity worth?A collateral receipt from a casino: The Violinist Antonio's musical instrument is hereby pledged, with an outstanding amount...
Invitation. 3 years of freedom to clear off your debts and sorrows.An exhortation letter: ...I am of the opinion that, given Master Antonio's gambling addiction, your highness should consider the effect on the Royal family's reputation before recruiting him as a member of the royal orchestra.
Fame. They treated me with courtesy and respect. They looked up to my talent in music.A confidential letter: Antonio's music must remain exclusive to the Royal Family. Ordinary people don't deserve it. We must do everything we can do to make him stay so that he can serve as a symbol of the royal family's superiority.
Toy. They put me in a tower and locked me in a cage. They tricked me and took away my violin.A torn letter: ...If you insist on leaving, please play a song with a single string. You can only prove that it's a "waste of your time and abilities" to stay in the palace if you possess such extraordinary skill...
Apprehension. Turns out my talent is my prison. Outside this prison, however, I'll have to give up materialism and fame...and lose myself...A messed-up music score for a single-string song with a note: "Don't play it."
Revisit. The high and mighty ears can't detect the musical notes which should be revered.A poster of a violin concert in the national theatre covered in red graffiti: A loser who's been exiled by the palace at his peak.
Trap. ...So long as I don't touch it, there won't be an echo.A confidential letter: He's as proud as he's always been, and refuses to perform that music score on stage. But I have an idea. We just have to make his strings...
Finale. If the peak is the end of the road, who's playing the world's melody on the way down?A newsletter: The renowned violinist, Antonio, has returned! His extraordinary performance in G took over the concert hall like a demon's descent. The entire audience was deeply entranced by his enchanting music!

Within the manor, Hunters are no exception to his chivalry, nor criticisms. There are some he fears, most he dare not step to, yet most would assume he's loathe to share the company of others due to his reserved nature.
He almost envies them and their comradery, and does his best to be careful when in their company. Matches are much different, of course, though it's not unlike him to play friendly from time to time.

  • Though few are privvy to the knowledge, he is of Rromani descent, and even fewer know that he takes pride in it.

  • For the safety of his family, he picked up the name Antonio Pierre as something of a Stage Name, but his given name is Rami Lovell.

  • He has vitiligo crowning the edge of his face; as he grew older, it became much more prominent, thus he wore his hair down more often when performing or out in public.

  • Although up until a certain age, Antonio use to wear his hair shorter as a child, but to save himself money, and due to having thicker hair, he would use his own locks to repair his bow in a pinch.

  • When not in a match, he prefers wearing his hair up in a bit of a loose ponytail or tied up in a bun - so long as his company doesn't mind.

  • His hair braids itself when he's feeling anxious. The difference between whether his hair's braided itself, or he's done it intentionally is whether or not it's tied off at the end.

  • The rosin he uses is a family recipe, but not necessarily his family.

  • His right eye has a habit of twitching, blinking rapidly, or sometimes not blinking at all. This has been, on multiple occasions, assumed to be flirtatious advances when it's actually a neuro issue. On days where he feels self-conscious of it, he'll use his hair to cover that eye.